Frowns seem to abound this fall. But, here are a few happy places you’re apt to see GLEE out and about in the community.
43rd Anniversary Celebration at Georgetown Market, Indianapolis, IN ~ 11/5 – 11/6/16
Food Allergy Bloggers Conference at the Denver Renaissance Hotel, Denver, CO ~ 11/4 – 11/6/16
Fall for the Fells at Whole Foods Market, Woburn, MA ~ 11/6/16
10th Annual Natural Living Expo’s Sample Bar at the Royal Plaza Trade Center, Marlborough, MA ~ 11/12 – 11/13/16
Anniversary Celebration at the Sunspot Natural Market, Kokomo, IN ~ 11/19/16
Small Business Saturday at Total Health Foods, Wyandotte, MI ~ 11/26/16
And hey, anytime or place you see someone looking glum, consider offering them a piece of Glee Gum. It just might cheer them up, chum!
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